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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Alaska Hideaway Trivia Contest

For each question, please fill in the blank, or, where indicated, circle the correct answer. Please use ink.
1. “Kid Shelleen” appears as a character in what feature motion picture? ______________________ (extra credit – who played the part?) _____________________

2. One of Superman’s foes must be made to say his name backwards to cause his return back to the fifth dimension. What is that foe’s name backwards?________________________________

3. What is unusual about the following paragraph?

“Have we lost the green earth that once we shared? Soon our air will be too foul to breathe, the sun but a blur, fish and birds gone, our trees dead, our food scarce. It’s hard to know whom to blame, what to do, where to start. But there is hope. We can learn the facts, so we can be of some help, each in his or her own way. May we count on you? Will you join us? Act now. Please send your thoughts to ‘Face Lift U.S.A.,’ care of Al Gore, the White House. Thank you.”

4. George Bessselo is the real name of what former TV actor? ______________________________

5. A certain magic word changes Billy Batson into Captain Marvel and back again. What does the fourth letter in that word stand for? ____________________________________________

6. Name the first female member of England’s Parliament. ______________________________

7. “_________________________________________” (three words) are licenses to “fit out” armed vessels and employ them in the capture of an enemy’s merchant shipping.

8. Who composed “Lucia di Lammermoor?” ___________________________________

9. What is the answer to the riddle, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man’s father is my father’s son”? ____________________________________________________

10. The initials BVD (yes, the men’s underwear) stand for the names of the three men who originally manufactured BVDs. Who were they? _______________________ _____________________ and ___________________________

11. Besides their colorful names, what do the following men have in common?
Shine Cortazzo, Buttercup Dickerson, Malachi Kittridge, Tex Neuer, Prince Oana, Orval Overall, Ty Pickup, Squiz Pillion, Shadow Pyle, Tony Suck, Clay Touchstone, Yats Wuestling, Earl Yingling. __________________________________________________________________________

12. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? ___________________________ Chapter & Verse?
____________________ _________________________

13. Name two words that contain the vowels a,e,I,o and u in their prescribed alphabetical order? __________________________________ __________________________________

14. What is peculiar about the following date and time – the sixth day of May, 1978, at 12:34 –that will not be repeated again until the year 2078? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________

15. Who spoke the line, “Play it again, Sam,” in Casablanca”? ______________________________

16. Is “Comfort the aggrieved” one of the 7 works of Mercy? Yes No

17.What is Chuck Stobb’s claim to baseball fame? _______________________________________

18. For what distinction in literature are the falls of Reichenbach known? ____________________________________________________________________________________

19. This word describes a Calvinist who believes that God’s determination of the elect preceded the fall of man from grace and that the fall itself had been predestined. Name it: _______________________________________________

20. Which feature motion picture famously boasted the song “Indian Love Call”? ________________________________________________________________________

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